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“Pleaders are the embodiment of useful human qualities.”

You see the word: plead.

Did you assume it comes from a place of weakness or insecurity? I once did.

Okay, more specifically, then. For the people who need help and consider themselves pleaders, did you assume they are beggars? I also thought so.

Pleading for help, makes you a follower and puts you in an inferior state? Definitely, agreed once upon a time.

As someone that is in a constant state of being a pleader, I resonate to my pleaders out there. But before I go on, I want to clarify something.


What is a pleader?

It’s not what you would traditionally think. It’s not a position of weakness. It’s a position of strength. My mission with this article is to show you something:

“A pleader is a potential leader (p-leader).”

Yes, I said it. That’s what it stands for. My firm belief is that every single pleader, has the potential of being and doing something great.

Let’s extend that:

“Every single human being has the potential of being something great.”

You are great.

You are a pleader.

Look, I hear you.

You feel at the lowest point, with a failed course or a business that goes bankrupt, or content that no one reacts or appreciates. I don’t care.

Every single person is a potential leader, and therefore a pleader.

Being a pleader is admirable. You come from a position of transparency. You are open and accepting to the environment you’re in. You’ve let go of ego states limiting yourself. You’ve accepted the reputation preceding and following you, mean nothing.

You’re in a sponge-like stage where you’re ready to learn and absorb the flow of information and details happening around you. These are the type of people you want in your organization, the ones you want to work with: the curious, the hungry, the pleaders.

What sparked this thought?

To my skeptics, egotisticals, or the challengers, you’re all are thinking at this point: what the hell are you talking about?

“Pleaders are ones that couldn’t amount to anything. They failed and are begging for help out of desperation.”

Even if it isn’t phrased this way to the more refined folks, I know many are probably thinking in some variation of this.


I’ve come to realize that life is cyclical. But, one thing remains constant: the pleading feature humans have.

We’re pleaders, and we always have been. The flipside is there’s times when we actually become leaders, and then times where we’re in a state of being a potential leader.

And even though you don’t feel like a leader, or your job description says you’re not a leader. You are. Maybe you’re not leading people, but you’re leading your life. You’re leading your story, your narrative.

The ones that are in square one or got sent back to square one, are in the state of being a potential leader. When I say the ones, I mean the recently laid off, the ones having a difficulty finding their job, stuck in a job they hate, a failed company, or any other professional or personal misfortune bringing you down.

It’s easy to get worn-out by seeing people around you doing what you believe you want to do.

It’s easy to get worn-out by seeing people around you doing what you believe you want to do.

Now to tell you what inspired this. There’s two stories that are related to the same basic thing.

These are friends of mine. Friends with dynamic personalities, unreal skills, and wonderful potential leaders. They’ve been so run-down and worn about the constant rejection of the job search that they have their happiness torn down.

Emotional stories with tears. Narratives on dependency. Working hard with no tangible results.

I really felt for them. They have automated emails, market conditions, consumers and customers telling them that they’ll amount to nothing.

The Bridge

And look. The Gary Vee’s of this world are going to tell them be patient, keep hustling; it’ll work out with the long hours you put in. But many people aren’t built like this, and efforts don’t pay off. You need to expand from your personal hustle to a connected hustle.

I don’t have a cookie-cutter solution that will be a foolproof steps to eternal happiness. I’m not going to look at your palms and tell you how many kids you’ll have and how rich you’re going to be.

“I don’t want to be that person that instills hope by telling you everything is okay.”

Make no mistake, I’m a huge optimist; but I believe in logical optimism. And here’s my approach to leveraging my logical optimism.

It’s time for me to help you reach that eraser in the back of a pencil.

It’s time for me to help you reach that eraser in the back of a pencil.

Pleaders — The Solution for my Potential Leaders

This is for the open-minded, the potential leaders, the ones stuck but are ready to try something new.

I’m not selling you anything. The chords from your stories and your journeys, are what inspired me to write and offer this.

If the what or the way I’m writing touches you in any way, let me extend myself to you even more.

Tell me your story. Tell me why you’re a pleader, potential leader. Tell mewhat’s running you down.

Is it the job hunt? Is it a failing business? Is it a stalemate in your life right now?

Email me at: Let’s take you from the potential into a leader. You have it, you really do. And I want you to realize and deliver on it.

There’s no catch, no sales pitch, no seminars; just a friend throwing out a public solution to a dark place that many might feel they’re in.

This is my plea.


Hit me up. Let’s email, grab a coffee. Hop on a call.

The Real Takeaways

Asking for help may seem degrading; but if you know me, I’m always pleading. I’m always bugging friends and people for their perspectives on things. I love learning forward, failing forward and sharing myself with people. Perspective is everything to me, and I’m always unlocking new ones. I know I’m opening up this forum to an opportunity for people to show they’re seeking help, but I want you to know: I’m always seeking help.

With me offering help, is also me expressing I need help, too. I need help fulfilling my sympathy and sorrow for the ones that are run-down by life’s challenges. I want to share my way of thinking of developing from every life moment into a productive potential leading state.

My main takeaway for everyone (to the pleaders and the ones who consider themselves non-pleaders) is to constantly position your mind into a state of pleading. It humbles you down, opens chambers in your thinking space to new opportunities and insights.

Our corporations can start becoming more innovative with a pleading stance.

Our children can absorb more with a pleading state.

Our legacy can be built with the mindset of continuous pleading.

My public plea: always be pleading.


Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think of this article on any of my social channels: TwitterInstagramFacebook & on my website.

Keep in touch and always be making.

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